Welcome to MyCOBRATPA.com


MyCOBRATPA.com is a website designed to administer the federal healthcare continuation law called "COBRA." The site is divided into three categories based upon the users; TPA Administrators; Clients of participating TPAs and COBRA Participants (individuals who have elected to continue their group benefits). Each category of individuals have a different log in page. This page will guide you to the correct log in for you and provide you further information on the items important to you.

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Client - Access

Use this link, if you were referred to our portal by your COBRA Administrator or Third Party Administrator.

A typical user of the Client Portal is an employee of the company who works in the Human Resources Department.

COBRA Participant - Access

Use this link, if you were referred to our portal by your COBRA Administrator or Third Party Administrator AND GIVEN a SITE CODE to access your account.

A typical user of the Participant Portal is someone that experienced a COBRA qualifying event and has elected to continue their benefits under COBRA.

COBRA Administrator (TPA) - Access

Use this link, if you are the COBRA Administrator or Third Party Administrator.

A typical user of the COBRA Administrator Portal is someone who administers COBRA for multiple clients.

My COBRA TPA is a secure, convenient, and easy way to stay in compliance with COBRA.

Here’s some of the things it can do:

  •  Client access to the website.
  •  Automatically generate and email monthly reports.
  •  Emails COBRA letters within minutes.
  •  Imports from Excel, COBRA Admin. Mgr. and Employee Navigator.
  •  Performs client billing automatically.
  •  Emails COBRA-related reminders to clients.
  •  Accept online COBRA participant premium payments.
  •  Client assisted open enrollment.
  •  Simply the most automated COBRA system.
  • Click here to get more information/proposal